When packing for hospital stays, my bag gets lighter and lighter each kid I have. Now that I'm on baby 3 I feel like I can fit everything I need and want inside this small day bag for both me and baby.

- Car Seat
- Medium weight blanket (for winter babies)
- 0-3 size sleeper (just in case)!
- Pacifier
- Pacifer Clip (because it's too cute)

- Oversized yoga pants and shirt (maternity clothes are usually best to go home in, or whatever is comfiest at the end of pregnancy)
- Hoodie and slides (I wear on my way to the hospital)
- Socks and grannie panty options
- Toothbrush, toothpaste, dry shampoo, deodorant, make up basics, hand sanitizer (I'm just using up all my travel sized items)
- Phone charger
- Camera
THINGS MY HOSPITAL HAS THAT I RELY ON (and snatch on my way out):
- Diapers
- Wipes
- Pacifiers
- Swaddles and Hats
- Baby Wash
- Mesh undies and maxi pads
- Tucks
- Spray Bottle (for down there)
- Bra Pads
- Breast Pump if needed